Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Favourite Quote's !!!!!

"Love is a long journey of Care, Trust and understanding each other"

 “When I Asked God for Strength
He Gave Me Difficult Situations to Face

When I Asked God for Brain & Brown
He Gave Me Puzzles in Life to Solve

When I Asked God for Happiness
He Showed Me Some Unhappy People

When I Asked God for Wealth
He Showed Me How to Work Hard

When I Asked God for Favors
He Showed Me Opportunities to Work Hard

When I Asked God for Peace
He Showed Me How to Help Others

God Gave Me Nothing I Wanted
He Gave Me Everything I Needed.”

The Journey not the Arrival matters !!
                                           T.S. Eliot
I regret often that I have spoken; not that I have been silent -
Let me tell you something my friend.Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.
                                                                           from movie Shawshank Redemption

Twice I did good, but that I heard never .. Once I
did bad and that was all I heard forever .."

Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue...

will complete this later.....

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