Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Khush hai Zamaana... aaj Pehli tareekh hai...

I was wondering why there are some days when everything feels good to you...whatever happens you just look at the humourous side of it ( in philosophy positive side) ...there is a spring in your stride, everything looks like going ur way, in short world seems to be a very happy or in other words a happening place to you. Today is one such day for me. Coincidently today is the first day of the month also and so it gave way to the title of my todays post....Good coincidence too!!!!

Wanted to pen this day down, main reason for that being:  We don't require anything to remember bad days, they just occupy a permanent berth in our mind, but for the good days,we generally require something to happen for them to be remembered.This post is dedicated to those HAPPY DAYS where nothing special had happen but are good in the sense that u just feel happy....no reasons!!!
Fortunately i have had such days frequently in last two weeks... so just wanted to create something to remember these days.
Have lots of Happy Days.....
Thats it for today...bye bye

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