Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Khush hai Zamaana... aaj Pehli tareekh hai...

I was wondering why there are some days when everything feels good to you...whatever happens you just look at the humourous side of it ( in philosophy positive side) ...there is a spring in your stride, everything looks like going ur way, in short world seems to be a very happy or in other words a happening place to you. Today is one such day for me. Coincidently today is the first day of the month also and so it gave way to the title of my todays post....Good coincidence too!!!!

Wanted to pen this day down, main reason for that being:  We don't require anything to remember bad days, they just occupy a permanent berth in our mind, but for the good days,we generally require something to happen for them to be remembered.This post is dedicated to those HAPPY DAYS where nothing special had happen but are good in the sense that u just feel happy....no reasons!!!
Fortunately i have had such days frequently in last two weeks... so just wanted to create something to remember these days.
Have lots of Happy Days.....
Thats it for today...bye bye

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

First Impressions

First impressions...as much as you try not to judge a book by its cover, you do. It happens. It is not something that you intentionally try to do, it kind of just happens. However, often you find yourself being way off with your preconceived notions (even if you're right sometimes). When you learn an extra piece of information that you weren't really expecting about someone that you previously "judged," you wonder what to do with that information. It changes your views even if you don't want it to. Good or bad, you perceive that person differently than you originally did even though you know you really shouldn't. You wonder if it were better when you didn't know and if that new little piece of information is all that you will be able to think about in that person's presence. The info can range from so many things--a prior action, a belief, a number, a secret flaw, an unusual passion, a history--the list goes on. You go on to realize that that piece of info makes the person who they are; it is part of their life. It cannot be changed whether it changes your first impression of them or not. It is something you have to come to terms with because that person obviously already has since they decided to share that piece of information with you.

When it is something bad, you tell yourself, "it has made that person better and it was something in the past," "it won't happen again," "it was a one time thing," "it's not that big of a deal,"--whatever makes yourself think less about it or block it out of your mind, your memory. When it is something good that you find out about the person, you find yourself happy for that person...at first. Then you again start to wonder if it really is fair that someone that you had a different predetermined view about gets something so good to happen to them in their life when you didn't expect it. You try not to be jealous because you find your first impression was off and now you're moreso impressed by this person or their life, but you don't know if you like that or not. Better to have known or not known? Well, since you can't really change the fact that you know, you have to figure out a way to fit that information into your "mold" of this person. I guess this can happen whether you previously believed a person to lead the "perfect" life and you find it to be a little more troubled than you thought or if you believed a person was not what you thought them to be because they secretly had all these good things going for them all along the way even if they acted otherwise (or something along those lines).

**We try not to jump to conclusions about people too quickly, but we can't help it sometimes. I guess if we are wrong, we have to accept it, deal with it, move on and try even more not to keep doing so. First impressions may cause us to act a certain way around others, but with that extra tad bit of information that was not previously known, it can flip our opinion upside down. Well, whatever it may be, as long as we treat people with respect and respect that info we receive, good or bad, maybe we'll be okay in that person's presence the next time we're around him or her; after all, he or she was always the same, it was we who had the different preconceived notions.

P.S. To people who actually read through this whole thing, sorry for the vagueness...was just something on my mind

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I watched a movie "Holiday" today. This movie is starring Kate Winslet, Cameroon Diaz and dont know the name of the hero. The movie is all about finding your true Love. I loved the starting of that movie in which Kate winslet was talking to herself, so just posting the starting dialogues of the movie, it says :

I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true.......shakespeare said "Journeys end in lover's meeting" oh...what an extraordinary thought!!!Personally i have never experienced anything remotely close to thatbut i am more than willing to believe shakespeare had...
I suppose i think about love more than anyone really should..I am constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives
It was shakespeare who also said that' Love is Blind"Now that is something which I know to be true...
For some quite inexplicably....love fades,for others ............love is simply lost...But then ofcourse love can also be found......Even if just for the night....
And then there is another kind of love....the cruelest kind..the one which almost kills its victims...Its called unrequited love..Of that, I am an expert...
Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other..But what about the rest of us??what about our stories??Those of us who fall in love alone.we are the victims of the one sided affair..We are the cursed of the loved ones..we are the unloved ones...The walking woundedthe handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space...
Yes you are looking at one such individual and i have love that person for over three miserable years..The absolute worst years of my life...The worst bdays,, the worst christmases..New years eve brought by tears and valium
These years i have been in love have been the darkest days of my life..all because i hve been cursed by being in love with a person who does not and will not love me back...
Oh god just the sight of him....heart pounding, throat thickening....absolutely cant swallow.....

and then it follows...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

OnE YeaR @ TCS

On 25th of this September I completed my one year at TCS. I just wanted to create a memoir for last 365 days and in other words wanted to share my experiences at TCS.
To set up the tone, I can safely say that it was quite a successful year for me.
To start up with the positives, this was the year when I got my first paycheck, which was really a special moment for me and the feeling of handing over the first salary to mummy was worth remembering for lifetime. After that I did several things which I had never done before but I always wanted to do. In that list first comes the dance performance on stage. I always knew I was awful at dancing but wanted to perform one day at the stage. I got this opportunity in Synergy, a kind of annual cultural function at TCS-RBK and I ended up putting a decent performance.
Next in the list is participating in the extempore. In the college times just the thought of standing on stage for extempore would make me sweat heavily. But then I decided go ahead of my worst fears. I did extraordinarily well in the first round, atleast I think like that. I was appreciated by many or should say most of the people present in the auditorium for that one and a half minute show. But at the final show, I was a complete flop. Although I didn’t win, I take the participation itself as a big positive for myself.
After that I participated in three skits and was also involved in script writing for the skits, although partially. This was also something which I had never done before, except in primary classes where the participation was mandatory.
Now comes the travels and picnics, the count of which are abound. I have been to several places last year. Starting with a picnic at Kashidh Beach, Alibagh, the travels just went on. I went to Maihar, Tirupati, Madurai, Rameshwaram, Kanyakumari and a special Chennai. Then we also went to Malvali(Lohgarh), Malshez Ghat, Bhima Shankar, Ananda Valley etc for picnics, trekking etc. All these places are close or you can say surrounding Pune. Before coming to Pune I heard that weather here is good, but found that weather here is not good but very very good. Then there are endless places to go around Pune, specially during monsoon, its like heaven out here.
Then comes the Techfest of TCS-RBK, in which I should say, I assisted in organizing a “Online Treasure Hunt” event, a TCS-Global wide event. The original idea of the event came from Ankush, my flatmate and one of my good friends.
Going to pubs and disco were also among the things which I did for the first time in life. Although I don’t use to drink but I enjoyed the atmosphere over there, specially the music. More than the beer, the music itself relieves the tension if you have any. If you really love music it will take you out of this world. Then I realized why people really move towards such expensive avenues.
On the negative side, for the first time in life I took alcohol just few days back. Many times people say that I was forced by my friends or something like that, but in my case no one really even asked me to take drink. It just happened. Its ofcourse not a big deal for most, but it was, it is a big deal for me and due to which I share it as an experience over here.
To conclude overall this was quite a satisfying year, with one more thing to add finally, is that I started blogging which I have been only thinking for ages……..

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I thought of start blogging with the all pervading LOVE.I know that I am going to toy with the mystery, I will try to examine the unexaminable and to know the unknowable, but hope my attempt be of some value.
Its always good to have some kind of definition before we start to discuss some valid points. Though I am not exactly going to give a definition, but I believe genuine love is about “ the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s Spiritual Growth”. Big Words!!!! Isn’t it but you will get to know why I choose these lines to define love.
Let’s take some pointers for the definition which I just gave.
[1] The process of extending one’s self is an evolutionary process. When one has successfully extended one’s limits, one has than grown into a larger state of being. Thus act of loving is an act of self evolution even when the purpose of the act is someone else’s growth. It is through reaching toward evolution that we evolve.
[2] Secondly this definition includes the self love with love for the other, for we are incapable of loving another unless we love ourselves. It is actually impossible to forsake our own spiritual development in favor of someone else’s. We cannot forsake self-discipline and at the same time be disciplined in our care for another. We cannot be a source of strength unless we nurture our own strength.
[3] The act of extending one’s limits implies effort. When we love someone our love becomes demonstrable or real only through our exertion – we take an extra step for that. So Love is not effortless, To the contrary Love is effortful.
[4] Finally the word “will” is used, ‘will’ just transcends desire. Desire is not necessarily translated into action but “will” is the “desire” of sufficient intensity that it is translated into action. Therefore we can conclude that the desire to love is not itself love. Love is an act of will – which means both an intention and an action.
[5] Will also implies choice. We do not have to Love, we choose to Love. Whatever we do is done because we choose to do it, and we make that choice because it is the one that satisfies us the most. Whatever we do for someone else we do because it fulfills a need we have. So we can conclude that Love is an act of Choice.
Summarily we can now say that Love is One’s willingness to extend oneself for one’s own or another’s growth.
I will complete the discussion in my next post, by discussing what “love is not” which means some of the misconceptions about Love.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Getting Started to Blogging

For someone who is thinking of writing something serious and not getting enough time for that he should start blogging, as it gives satisfaction and allow you to express your views to world.
I have been thinking of writing for ages, but was not able to start.....Now i decided to finally start with atleast writing Blogs so as to express my opinion about different things...... This post is just for initiating, from the next post I will surely be writing something meaningfull......As of now just feeling happy as i had atleast made a start.......