Sunday, October 4, 2009

OnE YeaR @ TCS

On 25th of this September I completed my one year at TCS. I just wanted to create a memoir for last 365 days and in other words wanted to share my experiences at TCS.
To set up the tone, I can safely say that it was quite a successful year for me.
To start up with the positives, this was the year when I got my first paycheck, which was really a special moment for me and the feeling of handing over the first salary to mummy was worth remembering for lifetime. After that I did several things which I had never done before but I always wanted to do. In that list first comes the dance performance on stage. I always knew I was awful at dancing but wanted to perform one day at the stage. I got this opportunity in Synergy, a kind of annual cultural function at TCS-RBK and I ended up putting a decent performance.
Next in the list is participating in the extempore. In the college times just the thought of standing on stage for extempore would make me sweat heavily. But then I decided go ahead of my worst fears. I did extraordinarily well in the first round, atleast I think like that. I was appreciated by many or should say most of the people present in the auditorium for that one and a half minute show. But at the final show, I was a complete flop. Although I didn’t win, I take the participation itself as a big positive for myself.
After that I participated in three skits and was also involved in script writing for the skits, although partially. This was also something which I had never done before, except in primary classes where the participation was mandatory.
Now comes the travels and picnics, the count of which are abound. I have been to several places last year. Starting with a picnic at Kashidh Beach, Alibagh, the travels just went on. I went to Maihar, Tirupati, Madurai, Rameshwaram, Kanyakumari and a special Chennai. Then we also went to Malvali(Lohgarh), Malshez Ghat, Bhima Shankar, Ananda Valley etc for picnics, trekking etc. All these places are close or you can say surrounding Pune. Before coming to Pune I heard that weather here is good, but found that weather here is not good but very very good. Then there are endless places to go around Pune, specially during monsoon, its like heaven out here.
Then comes the Techfest of TCS-RBK, in which I should say, I assisted in organizing a “Online Treasure Hunt” event, a TCS-Global wide event. The original idea of the event came from Ankush, my flatmate and one of my good friends.
Going to pubs and disco were also among the things which I did for the first time in life. Although I don’t use to drink but I enjoyed the atmosphere over there, specially the music. More than the beer, the music itself relieves the tension if you have any. If you really love music it will take you out of this world. Then I realized why people really move towards such expensive avenues.
On the negative side, for the first time in life I took alcohol just few days back. Many times people say that I was forced by my friends or something like that, but in my case no one really even asked me to take drink. It just happened. Its ofcourse not a big deal for most, but it was, it is a big deal for me and due to which I share it as an experience over here.
To conclude overall this was quite a satisfying year, with one more thing to add finally, is that I started blogging which I have been only thinking for ages……..


  1. Hey Deepak, we very nicely written. I can say I share every bit of those memories with you. But tell me one thing, you considered drinking as one of the negatives. Is that the real you who is confessing here or you considered the worlds' choice of saying "drinking" as one of the negatives.

  2. Ankush, u caught me....its kind of confusing...may be second option is the right one.
