Friday, March 26, 2010


Last few days in the office were quite busy and hectic and it is likely to be very busy for the next may be a month. This Documentum Purge thing- our new Workflow Component for the project is really getting into our heads. Issues in it seems to be endless with no visible ending, although it is moving to production mid - April.
Anyways I am enjoying these busy times at office.
    I am really wondering how much time can change a person, last year, may be around same time of the year I was cursing myself for why the hell on earth I have joined an IT company. That day and today, at 3 oClock in the morning what is coming to my mind is this Documentum Purge thing. And what more I am not hating it. Last year I was seriously thinking of quitting IT at the earliest available opportunity, but now I dont have any such plans. May be I have started liking it with time or I have adjusted with time to like it. Both ways its good for me.
   The special thing about IT is that you have to keep on learning every time, continously and there are endless challenges everytime. The more time you spend without doing anything new, more you get concerned. for yourself. Your knowledge does not take long to get outdated. Ohhh I now realize i am wandering away from the topic.....
  Getting back to busy times at office, over the year's time now we have developed a pattern of spending our day at office. It will start with the breakfast and the news paper and then on to reading mails and then some work. Around 1 to 1:30 pm we have lunch. Priti calls me and ankush and then Gayatri joins in.She has a peculiar choice of vegetables, which i never really appreciate.During lunch we use to talk about the bad food at canteen, about some of the beautiful girls in the office -- how they are looking on that day and all, and midway ankush will take a cooking session for priti, always comming up with a new dish and horrifying Priti. Gayatri did well to say that she doesn't cook which avoided her a seperate cooking session from Ankush.
    Its always good to have a group at office and I too have a nice group of four. Although it would reduce to three in coming days as Gayatri is moving onsite. We do talk about all kind of non-sense stuffs during lunch and tea times. Our ability to talk non-sense really amazes me. The thing is all four of us like such gossips.
After lunch we will go for a walk at the parking area and more non-sense will evolve. The discussion ranges from marriage plans to business plans and we dont limit the possibilities in any of the discussion, which creates a good room for creating endless non-sense.
        We use to take tea at around 4 to 4:30 pm. During tea Chenthl also joins in and more gossip starts.
God how would be this world without idle gossips?
        Comming back to my desk, I am blessed to have cricket lovers around my desk as I myself is a cricket maniac.Talking about cricket these days IPL is going on. I am supporting Mumbai Indians. Mosin, one of my neighbour from Bangalore is ofcourse supporting Royal Challengers Bangalore and Arun from Chennai is supporting Chennai Super Kings We use to have so much disscussion and arguments about every match featuring these teams that I think even the news channels are not disscussing so much as we are doing. One day one of the person will get upset for his team's loss and other day some one will be overjoyed for his team's win. These discussion take up our considerable time at office.
    And how can I not write about Ranjan. We have several things in common, first is we are from the same great project: JAWS, both of us like listening music in the office very much and both of us are single. Having so much in common we are bound to have a good time at office, again we use to discuss about so many things.One thing that differs is that he is a very good dancer and my situation at dancing is just little above pathetic. He has a peculiar way of saying things.He has given some very popular dialogues one of them being "Join me in Congratulating...."
            With all these stuffs and other things how the day passes, i dont even realize. Sleep is now creeping into my eyes,so have to put a halt to this blog.
Happy Blogging.