Thursday, August 20, 2009


I thought of start blogging with the all pervading LOVE.I know that I am going to toy with the mystery, I will try to examine the unexaminable and to know the unknowable, but hope my attempt be of some value.
Its always good to have some kind of definition before we start to discuss some valid points. Though I am not exactly going to give a definition, but I believe genuine love is about “ the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s Spiritual Growth”. Big Words!!!! Isn’t it but you will get to know why I choose these lines to define love.
Let’s take some pointers for the definition which I just gave.
[1] The process of extending one’s self is an evolutionary process. When one has successfully extended one’s limits, one has than grown into a larger state of being. Thus act of loving is an act of self evolution even when the purpose of the act is someone else’s growth. It is through reaching toward evolution that we evolve.
[2] Secondly this definition includes the self love with love for the other, for we are incapable of loving another unless we love ourselves. It is actually impossible to forsake our own spiritual development in favor of someone else’s. We cannot forsake self-discipline and at the same time be disciplined in our care for another. We cannot be a source of strength unless we nurture our own strength.
[3] The act of extending one’s limits implies effort. When we love someone our love becomes demonstrable or real only through our exertion – we take an extra step for that. So Love is not effortless, To the contrary Love is effortful.
[4] Finally the word “will” is used, ‘will’ just transcends desire. Desire is not necessarily translated into action but “will” is the “desire” of sufficient intensity that it is translated into action. Therefore we can conclude that the desire to love is not itself love. Love is an act of will – which means both an intention and an action.
[5] Will also implies choice. We do not have to Love, we choose to Love. Whatever we do is done because we choose to do it, and we make that choice because it is the one that satisfies us the most. Whatever we do for someone else we do because it fulfills a need we have. So we can conclude that Love is an act of Choice.
Summarily we can now say that Love is One’s willingness to extend oneself for one’s own or another’s growth.
I will complete the discussion in my next post, by discussing what “love is not” which means some of the misconceptions about Love.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Getting Started to Blogging

For someone who is thinking of writing something serious and not getting enough time for that he should start blogging, as it gives satisfaction and allow you to express your views to world.
I have been thinking of writing for ages, but was not able to start.....Now i decided to finally start with atleast writing Blogs so as to express my opinion about different things...... This post is just for initiating, from the next post I will surely be writing something meaningfull......As of now just feeling happy as i had atleast made a start.......